
Lime Pepper Sauce

This is a simple chunky pepper sauce that is potent in lime, heat and garlic. This is one of my favourite condiments, and pairs really well with chicken and fish dishes. While some may like the sauce to be more smooth or less chunky — I personally find that it doesn’t look as good (blame my nostalgia). The longer it sits, the better the flavour is.

You can refrigerate it after opening, or risk it and leave it on the counter sealed tightly. I have personally done this for about 2 months, but I am always cautious ensuring nothing is growing on top or it smells off. If in doubt, throw it out.

Lime Pepper Sauce

Ingredients and Equipment

Also, adjust this to your taste! More lime, less garlic, more pepper, it is your choice.


The reason for the scotch bonnet pepper is for heat and flavour. The scotch bonnet pepper has some floral notes that are not present in other peppers.



© 2017–2022 David Kalliecharan